"...for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable." Romans 10:29

The Greater Cornerstone Arts & Music Ministries are designed to worship and glorify God in various ways that engage the worshiper, drawing them into the presence of God.  Both music and art glorify God by tapping into the creativity inherent in humanity, reflecting divine attributes like beauty, order, and emotion.

Through music, harmonies and rhythms can evoke spiritual experiences, deepening worship and connecting hearts to the divine. Art, whether visual or performing, captures glimpses of God’s creation, inspiring awe and wonder. It communicates profound truths and expresses the ineffable through imagery and symbolism. Both music and art engage the senses, stirring souls towards contemplation and praise. By cultivating creativity and offering expressions of faith, music and art become pathways to glorify God, inviting others to experience God in many ways.

Meet Our Music & Arts Team

Danette Purnell
  • Minister Danette Purnell, Associate Minister
Nyya Burgwyn
  • Media Ministry
GCBC Mass Choir

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music. Psalms 98:4

The GCBC Mass Choir performs christian and gospel music during Sunday services and special events. Members 9 and older are welcome.

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GCBC Praise Team

“Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You!” Psalm 67:3

A praise team prepares a congregation for worship by selecting songs that align with GCBC's beliefs. 

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GCBC Dance Ministry

"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy." Psalms 30:11

Liturgical dance glorifies God by incorporating movement as a form of worship, expressing spiritual themes and scripture through physical expression. 

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